Thursday 22 May 2014

An Introduction to State of the Art Gesture Control Technology

With the advancement in the world of technology, people across the world have gained new and better means of entertainment. We have come a long way from remote control technology to touch screen interface. Touch screen, although have proved to be very useful for mobile phones but as far as television and computers are concerned, it lacks conviction. Moreover, touch screen interface still lags behind in comparison to the convenience provided by ancient remote control technology.

In the present times, a state of the art technology known as the gesture control information systems has rapidly gained popularity. It is popularly known as muscle sensor in the gaming industry. The concept of gesture technology is based on how well the device recognizes your gestures. The recognition device is somewhat larger than the keyboard of a computer. The recognition device can be clamped on the computer or the LCD display similar to the web cam. It can also be hanged from the ceiling right above your LCD display or computer. The cameras fitted in the recognition device detect the movement of your hand or fingers in real time. The device transmits the gathered information back to the computer simultaneously.

The system responds to the gestures or movements of the hand or fingers in front of the device instantly. However, it is notable that there are no special gloves or any physical contact with the system interface. The computer gesture control technology does not work on the concept of physical contact. The cameras used on the recognition device are uncomplicated and very simple.

Similar concept is applied while catching movements of other parts of the body. A huge amount of gestures data is provided to the computer. However, the data fed into the computer could be used at the later stages to identify and recognize future movements made by the users.

The gesture control technology companies have given the freedom to homemaker’s across the globe to switch on their television by just a wave of their hand. The technology makes it easier for them to continue with their home chores and watch television without discontinuing their routine. Similarly, this technology can also be made use by any person who does not want to stain the interface with their dirty hands while operating their diagnostic device.

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